
Here is a small collection of the things av created 
within the field of motion graphics.
Barebells UK
Client: Vitamin Well
Animation produced for marketing on Instagram.
Condeco web slider
Client: Condeco AB
Animation produced for marketing on website.
Merging USP's
Client: Albert AB
A banner produced for marketing on social media. Merging effect made in After Effects.
National test
Client: Albert AB
A sponsored post about the fact that Albert can be useful while studying for the national test in math. Produced for social media, made in After Effects.
"Albert, the digital math tutor!"
Olympic Flag
Client: Albert AB
A "did-you-know-fact" produced for social media. Waving flag effect in After Effects.
"Did you know that the Olympic flag's colors are always red, black, blue, green and yellow rings on a white background? 
This is because at least one of those colors appears on the flag of every nation in the planet."
A period of time
A looping pattern gif to test new effects in After Effects.
Study with your favorite buddy
Client: Albert AB
A valentines post/contest produced for social media. 
"🏆 TÄVLING 🏆 Vem Ă€lskar du att plugga tillsammans med?
Nu har du och en vÀn möjlighet att vinna en prenumeration pÄ Albert! Allt du behöver göra Àr att:
1. Tagga din kompis i kommentarsfĂ€ltet som du tycker behöver Albert i sitt liv (och som du Ă€lskar förstĂ„s💕)
2. Skriva ditt bĂ€sta pluggtips och varför, t.ex. hur du pluggar till ett prov đŸ€“Â #TjaAlbert #TĂ€vling

Den bĂ€sta motiveringen vinner en prenumeration pĂ„ Albert för dig och din kompis fram till att sommarlovet börjar (vĂ€rde = 792kr) TĂ€vlingen pĂ„gĂ„r till imorgon den 15 februari kl. 20:00đŸ„‡Â "


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